Saturday 29 December 2007

Saturday Reading: John 10:22-30
Key Verse: John 10:24
24  Then the Jews encircled Him and said to Him, How long do you make us doubt? If you are the Christ, tell us plainly.
I am sure that each one of us at some time or another have expressed some sort of doubt as to our faith or belief in Christ. But as for the other way round – Christ has never doubted us. There is a big difference between not knowing but having faith to believe and all knowing and having the knowledge! Christ's mission was to allow people to find belief and to have faith in Him as our God. All the miracles that are listed in our bibles are there to give us the understanding that we need to know that He is God. Everything that He did gave glory to God and with words like these plainly telling us that He and The Father are one, why should we have any doubt?
That doubt comes from within each one of us. It does not come through anything that He did wrong, nor does is come from anything that He did not do. Christ did enough to prove Himself and to allow others to find that belief. He did enough to build that foundation that we can depend on. He did enough to tell us who He is. He did enough to allow each one of us to be saved by taking on the sins of the world. All we have to do is exercise that faith.
The Jews that He talked to here did not want to believe because it would have meant changing their ways entirely. He described how He is the shepherd and we are the sheep, but they did not want to believe. All those who accept Him as Christ, Saviour and God will be given the wonderful gift of eternal life with Him. It does not say that all who believe will no longer doubt... because that doubt comes from within us. It is purely within our heads because He is our Christ; He is our Saviour and He is our God!
Points to Ponder:
How often do you doubt things?
Have you ever known Christ to doubt you?