Monday Reading: Proverbs 27:17
Key Verse: Proverbs 27:17
17 Iron sharpeneth iron; so a man sharpeneth the countenance of his friend.
We don't think too much about just how hard hitting our words can be. We often forget that we could destroy people just through something we say. We like to think that we do say the right things all the time, but there are far too many times when we let slip with the wrong things. When we are talking to friends, we are more likely to say the right thing – unless we start to get angry. When we are talking to strangers, we will quite often lie... But I don't do that... How many times do we give a false excuse to someone just to get out of doing something – like those people and their clipboards in town centres!
Key Verse: Proverbs 27:17
17 Iron sharpeneth iron; so a man sharpeneth the countenance of his friend.
We don't think too much about just how hard hitting our words can be. We often forget that we could destroy people just through something we say. We like to think that we do say the right things all the time, but there are far too many times when we let slip with the wrong things. When we are talking to friends, we are more likely to say the right thing – unless we start to get angry. When we are talking to strangers, we will quite often lie... But I don't do that... How many times do we give a false excuse to someone just to get out of doing something – like those people and their clipboards in town centres!
Our words can achieve so much, but they can do so much damage as well. We have to be aware of just what they can do and to treat out mouths with care! I don't mean flossing and rinsing with mouthwash every day, but taking care of what comes out of them! We do have the choice as to what comes out of them if we are willing to take the time to think before we speak. If we think a few milliseconds before letting rip, we are more likely to say something kind than a harsh rebuke!
With our words we can build people too. We can help others by telling them the right things, telling them about things we know so that they can learn as we learn. Heading into conversations that will have a direction and meaning are going to be a whole lot more profitable to both parties that meaningless gossip. Gossip will spread bad feelings whereas the truth will build strength and trust. Some words will break down friendships where others will build them. Choosing what you say and when you say it may well make the difference between building and breaking. The wrong words will leave dents like two swords have after a sword fight. The right words could be like using those two swords carefully with each other to sharpen both blades. We have the choice as to how we use our mouths... Caution, mouth opening!
Points to Ponder:
How often do you think you say the wrong things?
Have you tried asking God to guide your mind so you can think of the right things to say?
How often do you think you say the wrong things?
Have you tried asking God to guide your mind so you can think of the right things to say?