Tuesday 19 Aug 2008
Hits: 1180
Tuesday Reading: Proverbs 27:9-10
Key Verse: Proverbs 27:10
10 Your own friend, and your father's friend, do not forsake them; nor go to your brother's house in the day of your trouble; better is a neighbour that is near than a brother far off.
Just as a nice smelling perfume or ointment will bring some pleasure, so too will kind heart-felt advice from someone else. If you drop something without knowing, is it not nice to have someone to tell you that you have dropped it or even to pick it up for you? The simple act of smiling at someone as they walk past can make them smile... And yet such a small act of indifference as ignoring someone can dwell on their hearts for a long time. There is a fine line between being a social friend and an social enemy!
Friends, be them your own friends or the friends of others in your family should be valued. A friend is someone who has passed the test of time; they have stood up to friendship test for a while and now can be depended upon... They need to be valued for what they are and not ignored. How easily you could break down a friendship by a simple unsociable act... one that may well put an end to the trust that was built up over time.
If you are in a spot of bother you need to be able to go to someone who you know will stick by you. When you are down you need to be able to know who you can turn to; you need to know who is going to put up with you in your state of panic or distress. This may well be someone other than a brother or sister... If you are in a panic, the last thing you want to have to do is to fly half way round the world before you can get to see your brother or sister!
This is why Christ continued to promote loving our neighbours. If we are able to make friendships that will stand the test of time and calamity, we will have found a supporting partner close by. Let us never forget the friend we have is Jesus. Let us never forget that He has never turned His back on us, nor has He ever ever ignored us, nor has He ever stopped looking out for us! What a friend we have is Jesus!
Points to Ponder:
What stops you from smiling or greeting people?
What stops you from smiling to or praying to Christ?