Tuesday 12 Aug 2008

Tuesday Reading: Psalm 16:8-11
Key Verse: Psalm 16:8
8  I have set The LORD always before Me; because He is at My right hand, I shall not be moved.
Do you ever look at some Christians and think “how can they be so faithful”? Do you ever think of your own faith as failing or not as strong as it should be? Well, I’m sure that I am not the only one that thinks like that!
King David was a man who had his ups and downs during his life. He was chosen by God, anointed to be king as a small boy, took on the likes of Goliath without hesitation… Well, we could go on for quite a while about the great things that he did. But then, we could also go on about his weaknesses or the way that he was not always listening to God. The Jews will hold him up as one of the strongest men of God. The disciples recounted the great things that he did and said. Christians nowadays look back at his life for great examples… and yet we do know that he had his weaknesses…
This psalm was written at a time when David’s faith was rock solid. He wrote this knowing that God was with him and that God continued to be his strength all the time. This psalm is quoted in the book of Acts where the disciples use it to show how much we can rely on God. But we need only look at a few other psalms to see when David was crying out for help against the overwhelming powers against him. We all have our ups and down. We all have times when we can stand up and shout that Christ is our rock; and we can all have our times when we look up and ask why…
The one thing that we need to remember at all times is that God is with us. When we are feeling down, He is there. When we are feeling on top of the world, He is there. When we are ready to give it all up, He is still there. We only need turn to Him for support. He wants us to depend on Him every step of the way. He wants us to know that He is there wherever we go. He wants us to always be happy in knowing Him.
Points to Ponder:
How strong do you feel when you are totally worn out?
Do you know you can always depend on Christ?