Saturday 31 May 2008

Saturday Reading: John 10:19-21
Key Verse: John 10:21
21  Others said, These are not words of one who has been possessed by a demon. A demon is not able to open the eyes of blind ones.
The one thing that we can count on in our lives (besides God) is Satan. Wherever God is trying to get people to follow Him, Satan is around the corner trying to trip people up. He is going to use whomever he wants to to try and trip those who are seeking Christ. He is going to be the one that allows things into your life so that you will forget about God. He is going to be the one acting like God. How then are we supposed to spot the difference between what God is doing in our lives to what Satan is doing in our lives? How do we know who we can trust? How do we know who we can believe?
Well, lets take it from an earthly view… Would you allow someone to talk you out of your food when you are hungry? Would you allow someone to sit down opposite you in a restaurant and tell you about how they should have you food that you have paid for? That may well sound like an over-simplification of the issue but on closer analysis that is what is going on. We need our food to survive and because of that, we will not allow other people to take it away from us. But when it comes down to spiritual matters we do not tend to think of them as necessities in our lives. We would rather think about our spiritual food as something that we can take or leave…
That is where Satan is the winner because he is the one putting that sort of idea into our heads and allowing us to become lazy. He tries everything up his sleeve to try and make us think that we do not need God’s instruction in our lives. His very first attempt of that we read about in our bibles is with Adam and Eve when he convinced them to try and ignore God’s instruction and follow his own instructions. He makes things sound good. He makes things sound attractive and makes us think we need his ideas in our lives.
So how do we spot the difference? If he puts an idea in our heads that does not agree with God’s instructions in our bibles, then we know it is him and not God. We have our bibles, we have the truth. Trust it. Obey it. Turn you back on Satan.
Points to Ponder:
Are you easily convinced?
How often do you compare things with God’s Word?