Monday Reading: Proverbs 29:25-26
Key Verse: Proverbs 29:25
25 The fear of man brings a snare: but whoever putts his trust in the LORD shall be safe.
Isn't it sad to see so many people not owning up to knowing Christ. When people get into positions of trust, power or importance, they would rather say that they trust in other people than admitting to trusting in Christ. And when they start to do that, their life in Christ starts to suffer too – the more that they tell others of their convictions, the more that they will tend to believe it themselves. Pretty soon they find that they are trusting more in man than in God!
Key Verse: Proverbs 29:25
25 The fear of man brings a snare: but whoever putts his trust in the LORD shall be safe.
Isn't it sad to see so many people not owning up to knowing Christ. When people get into positions of trust, power or importance, they would rather say that they trust in other people than admitting to trusting in Christ. And when they start to do that, their life in Christ starts to suffer too – the more that they tell others of their convictions, the more that they will tend to believe it themselves. Pretty soon they find that they are trusting more in man than in God!
It is not something that is limited to people in important positions – this same reasoning can be applied to people in any walk in life. The less that we admit to knowing Christ, the more that we are hiding Him from others... including ourselves. The less that we walk with Christ, the less we are going to fell and be safe. The only sure way of making sure that we remain safe in Christ's arms is to be there always. The more that we show others that we are willing and able to openly trust Christ, the more they will want to know why. Try it... hold back some piece of information from someone and they will come running to find out what it is you are holding back... so long as they know you are holding something in the first place. If you do not allow them to see that you have inside information, they will simply ignore you.
The more we put our faith and trust in the people around us, the more likely we are to face a hard fall when push comes to shove. When people are finally put in a position where they have to admit to the truth, they will not hold back on saying just who else was around at the time – it is human nature. When they have to face God in their final judgement, they will certainly be telling the truth... Do you want to have to face up to scrutiny just because you let things ride when it suited you? There is no way that any man can judge another in fairness because we are all guilty to start with. Christ alone is the judge and all judgement must be left to Him!
Points to Ponder:
How often do you trust other people?
How often do you trust other people?
How often do you trust God?