Wednesday 16 January 2008

Wednesday Reading: Deuteronomy 22:1-4
Key Verse: Deuteronomy 22:4
4  You shall not see your brother's ass or his ox fall down by the way, and hide yourself from them. You shall surely help him to lift it up again.
One of the best ways of showing people who do not believe in Christ that we are committed Christians is to show them brotherly love. Sticking to the rule of “do unto others as you would have them do unto you” will be the best example of Christianity that they will be able to reflect upon since they do not want to hear about the gospel. If we would stick to that rule ourselves, we would be able to avert many a difficult situation that we find ourselves in.
Christianity teach us to be neighbourly and to be ready to do or show good to all men. That means that we should be ready to show those that work against us that we are willing to help them when they need it. Why? Not so that we might get help from them when we need it, but to show that this is what God has taught us and even shown us it absolute terms through Christ! We do tend to turn a blind eye or ear when it does not suit us, or when we are faced with someone who has wronged us – but just like the “good guy” in the movies, we need to stick out our hand and offer help to everyone that is in need.
If Christ had picked His friends and rejected those who did not believe, we would all be in a whole lot of trouble. Instead, Christ has given each and every one f us the same chance to be able to gain eternal life with Him. He laid down His life for us all, friends and enemies alike. Every time He met people He gave them the chance at attaining eternal life. He chose the most unlikely people to give the truth to, people that those around Him did not think deserved it. We are the ones that need to sort out our feelings so that we can offer our help to all that need it and to help anyone who would reach out for that help. Don't not do it just because nobody is watching...
Points to Ponder:
How often do you turn you back on someone?
How many times do you turn your back on the One that died for you?