Sunday 17 May 2009

Sunday Reading: Romans 11:17-21
Key Verse: Romans 11:20
20  Well, because of unbelief they were broken off, and you stand by faith. Do not be high-minded, but fear.

One thing we have to remember as Christians is that we all came from the same place... not in that we are all ancestors of the Jews but that we are Christians because of our belief in God. No matter what church you go to or come from, so long as you believe in God and His word, then you have hope. The Gentiles received hope through what was taught to them by God’s chosen people. It was not the fact that they found God by themselves, but that they received that knowledge through others that believed in God.

Yes there are many Christian based religions nowadays but sticking to the truth which is God’s Word is what counts. If we do not draw our strength, wisdom and knowledge from God’s own word, then we are trying to raise it from man’s word. The two can never compete because man’s word will always lift himself up, but God’s word will always lift God up. If you go to a church where they are lifting themselves up to make themselves happy rather than lifting God up, then maybe you are in the wrong place. There is nothing wrong with being happy because that is what God wants us to be. He wants to give us happiness and comfort and He wants to be the one supplying it too.

There are going to be many who will hear the same word spoken as you do but they will reject that same word. Because they are rejecting it they will not receive the goodness therein and that is their choice. We need to choose to accept God’s Word as the truth and to rely on it always; that way He will be able to give us the most support and the closest guidance. Don’t be swayed by what other people are in to but be confident in knowing that you are following the truth – God’s own word!

Points to Ponder:
Do you listen to God’s Word?
Are you hearing God’s Word?