Thursday 30 Apr 2009

Thursday Reading: Acts 3:19-26
Key Verse: Acts 3:20-21
20-21  And He shall send Jesus Christ, who before was proclaimed to you, whom Heaven truly needs to receive until the times of restoration of all things, which God has spoken by the mouth of His holy prophets since the world began.

Each of us is faced with a choice as to what we want to believe in and what we want to do about that belief. Depending on where in the world you live you may find that a choice has been thrust upon you from the people around you. We seem to have a natural aversion to rejecting things that are thrust upon us because we do know that we have a choice that is ours to make. How would you like to have to make a choice between two things when you have not been given enough information about either choice – not so hard unless we know it as a life and death choice!

As man continues to find his way on earth there are those who feel the need to remain in power or have some controlling power over us. That need is not based on anything more than some sort of personal greed; a need to feel superior to others in some way. Just because some can talk the hind leg off of a donkey or can put over their point of view in a manner that sounds impressive, it does not mean that they are in fact right – it just means they can talk well! There are many things that we are taught in school that do not have any real proof behind them. There are even things we may have been taught about that were not the truth... And yet we take what we are taught without argument, just because it is taught in school...

I’m not going to make a long list of the bad things that I have been taught at school but give you an alternative. Right from the beginning of time we have been told that one day Jesus Christ would come to earth to defeat evil. We now know that just over 2000 years ago Jesus did in fact come to do exactly that. Throughout the years that led up to His coming the prophets have been warning people of the event. How can it not be the truth when it is recorded in history as having happened? Now that that has been and gone we wait for the next promise to come true. A promise we must surely believe because all of the previous ones have come to pass...

Points to Ponder:
What do you base your choices on?

How much do you know about Jesus?