Wednesday Reading: 2 Corinthians 8:7-9
Key Verse: 2 Corinthians 8:9
9 For you know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, that, though He was rich, for your sakes He became poor, in order that you might be made rich through His poverty.
Faith is the root of our relationship with Christ; without faith we have nothing because we will not be able to please God. It is not up to Him to make sure that we are constantly reminded that He exists (though we have but to look around us to see the awesome splendour of His creation to remind us) nor is it up to Him to keep showing us proof that He exists. He has put in place a perfect solution and a perfect way of telling us everything we need to know and to then show us just how much He loves us... All we need is to believe that what He has already shown us is the truth!
And it really is that easy when you look at it. The more that we try to find out about God; the more we are convinced that He is real. The more we depend on Him, the more we know He is real. The more we look for Him, the more we find Him. Why then is it called faith; should it not just be known as the truth?
When we first go seeking God we do not yet know it as the truth. We are not convinced that He is real because we cannot see Him; much like Thomas we need to have visual or physical evidence before we believe things. When we first start to believe that what people are telling us is the truth we still have to take that first step to really believe. Much like learning to drive a car or learning to ride a bike; until we actually do things for the first time we don’t know that we can. It takes a certain amount of faith to take that first unseen step! When we have taken that first step with Christ we then find out that He is real and that it is all as simple as it sounds!
With that first step comes a whole lot of things that we never knew we had; the love and concern for others in Christian love, the earnestness of our work for Him, the grace to accept many things in His name and a certain eagerness to continue doing what Christ did so many years ago – love thy neighbour...
Points to Ponder:
Are you still waiting for proof?
Are you willing to take a single unknown step?