Sunday 19 Apr 2009

Sunday Reading: Luke 18:1-8
Key Verse: Luke 18:1
1  And He also spoke a parable to them to teach it is always right to pray, and not to faint,

Wouldn’t life be so much easier if we all had people that were willing to take time out and tell us of the things that we needed to know and to tell us in terms that we could understand! Most of the time as we go through school we have to learn new things and many of those things are hard to grasp for the first time until we have a teacher who is willing to teach us through examples rather than just reading from the text books! Jesus knew that the disciples were just like us and needed to be taught through examples rather than just through theory – they had had the theory for thousands of years and were still struggling!

We have Christ’s Word on so many things and He has shown us so much more through the examples that He has shown us. Those examples were the way He acted as well as the words He used to describe the truth to us. His use of parables like this to describe things so that we can understand more clearly showed us that He was serious about our learning what He had to teach us; a good teacher will always seems to find a way of getting the students to understand because they want them to learn. Christ was and is our Great Teacher who wants us to know the truth and learn from Him.

In order for us to learn from Him we have to trust in what He has to say; and not only that but trust that it is the truth and have faith that what He has promised will come to pass. In doing that we must trust that His promise to answer our prayers is as good as all His other promises. If we then can accept that we need to make sure that we do pray and pray earnestly for things that are good. If we really want something we are going to ask for it more than once and then to believe and trust that what we have asked for will be answered just as He has promised us. Faith is believing in the unseen and knowing that what you believe is the truth, and then knowing that that truth will stand because our Lord and God has promised it so!

Points to Ponder:
What does it take for you to trust someone?
How often do you ask for things?