Wednesday 25 Feb 2009

Wednesday Reading: Galatians 3:1-5
Key Verse: Galatians 3:5
5  Then He supplying the Spirit to you and working powerful works in you, is it by works of the law, or by hearing of faith?

If you are a strong Christian you may look at these verses and think that it would be impossible to be able to turn from God’s teaching back into the way of the world; but truth be told, Satan is going to use whatever methods he can to be able to trip us up. If that means getting someone to start convincing you that you have to take more notice of the law than of your faith in Christ then he will do that. If he can trip you up and make you stumble in front of someone that is trying to find out the truth, then that person may well never get to know the truth...

During their ministry to the people of Europe, the Apostles would have to face many an enemy who were looking to make them trip up in front of other Christians just so that they could sow the seed of doubt. Each time we can look through the books of the New Testament and find out how they relied on their faith to pull them through and on the Word of God to strengthen themselves during those times. We have been given the full truth that God knows that we need – we have to use that truth to strengthen ourselves so that we too can be an example to others... an example of faith.

Nothing that we did was able to bring us before God. It was our belief that allowed Him to approach us and to take us in. It is our faith that keeps us with Him. As soon as we start to try and do things our own way, we start to fall back into the ways of the world; we need to remain steadfast in our faith to make sure that He is able to guide us all the way. Yes, that does mean keeping the laws as He has laid them down, but it does not mean that that is what is going to keep us safe or to save us. It was because of what Christ did for us that we are able to be saved from our sins. It is because of our belief in that fact that we are able to accept that truth and it is through that belief that we are brought to Christ. The evil one is going to do all he can to continue to try and trip us up; something he cannot do whilst we are trusting in God. Trust in God and be faithful to Him alone.

Points to Ponder:
What do you do as a Christian?
Are you relying on your faith?