Tuesday 1 Dec 2009

Tuesday Reading: Exodus 23:1-2
Key Verse: Exodus 23:2
2  You shall not follow a multitude to do evil. Neither shall you speak in a cause in order to follow many in order to wrest judgment.

When Moses was given the commandments to give to the people some may well have thought that God had given them too many rules to follow but the more that you read through the rules the more that you realise that our lives in the western world used to be based on those rules. I say used to be because society seems to want to get rid of all the sane laws that uphold righteous living and bring in some pretty insane laws that work against righteous living! The more that we see how society is changing things the more I think these verses raise their meaning.

Many people have given up on what is right and wrong and simply go with the flow, go with the majority, trying to keep the majority happy rather than working that which is right. Then there is the minorities which get their own ways as well, even if it is not right. People seem to be more concerned with pleasing the politicians than they are in pleasing God. God is the one who laid down the law so that we would have a standard to aim for. God is the one who has given us the right way to live. We are the ones who insist on bending every conceivable rule until nothing looks the same anymore.

It is these same laws that must make us recognise that we are the ones doing things wrong. It is these same laws that Christ wants us to know so that we do recognise that we are working against His will. Yes He knows that we will work against His will and He knows just how far we will go, but that does not make it right just because everyone is doing it the same way. If the whole world turned to something wrong it would still not make it right. God’s laws are infallible! We need to take them and aim to live by them, even when we do find it difficult, even when we do find that nobody else seems to care – we need to care, because they are God’s laws.

Points to Ponder:
How many times have you been persuaded to do something wrong?

God will never try to persuade you to do wrong!