Firday 30 Oct 2009

Friday Reading: Matthew 7:21-23

Key Verse: Matthew 7:21
21  Not everyone who says to Me, Lord! Lord! shall enter the kingdom of Heaven, but he who does the will of My Father in Heaven.

People are not always what or whom they claim to be and that is something that has been true since man’s early existence. We can read about so many people who have described themselves in such a different light to the reality that you may well think they are describing someone totally different. Unfortunately people think that they can treat God in the same manner; they come forward and make themselves look like they are believer or even preachers so that they can gain something from that. That seems to be mans focus; how can I get gain out of my life?

Unless we are honest with God we are not going to get very far in our relationship with Him! How can you do one thing in front of Him and then tell Him something else? He is God and does see everything so how do we think we can get away with anything! Yes we can pull the wool over other people’s eyes quite quickly and easily but we can never do that with God. When we do that with others we are still doing it against God’s people so we are still doing that with God. When we are told to be diligent in our work it is not just the work that we think we are doing in front of God but in all walks of life!

God is a just God and cannot honestly say that we are His friends unless we are His friends. If we continue to conspire against Him in hidden circles then we will never be His friend! But as soon as we admit to being what we are like and come to Him for forgiveness then He will Just and Willing to forgive us of those sins, once and for all! To get to know God we have to be honest with Him!

Points to Ponder
Are you honest with your best friend?
Are you being honest with God?