Saturday 17 Oct 2009

Saturday Reading: Philippians 2:5-11
Key Verse: Philippians 2:10
10  that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of heavenly ones, and of earthly ones, and of ones under the earth;

The example that Christ has shown us in what He did whilst He was here on earth is one that we should aspire to. There is no way that we can be perfect but as long as we keep in mind what Christ did and what He went through we will be encouraged to be more like Him. If we keep Him as our example then we have something to aim towards and something we can then relate to for our eternal stay with Him after we die on this earth. No matter which way we look at it we are going to face Him and we need to be prepared for that day. Knowing Him is the only sure way that we can know that we will be happy with that meeting.

Through what He has told us and through what He has shown us it should be blatantly obvious that He is the Son of God, and yet so many people choose to not believe that. They choose not to believe it for many reasons; but if we look deeper into it there is only really one reason and that is that they have not understood the whole truth. If everyone understood the truth then they too would not question Christ’s existence and who He is; who would knowingly want to be on the losing side?

 We can make a difference whilst we are still here. We can let people know that Christ is real. We don’t have to shove the bible down their throats (that may well put them off at first) but we can show them that we have a peace with God that does overcome everything that we face on earth. Yes it is hard to be happy when your world seems to be falling apart, but know that Christ has a plan that we may not understand, but one that is for the better! His plan to come to earth may have looked futile to many but to us who know Him we can see that it was perfect. Be encouraged and stay encouraged that Christ is allowing what is best in all our lives.

Points to Ponder:
How did you find out the truth about God?
Do you show others He loves you?