Sunday 20 Sep 2009

Sunday Reading: Micah 4:4-5
Key Verse: Micah 4:5
5  For all peoples will walk, each one in the name of his god; and we will walk in the name of Jehovah our God forever and ever.

The more that we see the damage that wars do to people on both sides, the more that we wish that the wars will end. The more that we wish for such things the more that we will look for someone who will step up to the mark and make a difference! We don’t like to see people suffering and we certainly do not like leaders who force their people to suffer; so when one comes along to give peace to all nations, many are going to follow him because he is spreading peace where no one else has been able to. It is a sad fact that many will turn to such a one just because of peace; but even our bibles tell us of that time.

They also tell us of a time when people will continue to follow their own gods in spite of being shown the truth. How we have seen that so many times and how we will continue to see that. There are religions around the world that profess to know the truth and yet will worship someone else instead of God almighty. There are many people who will continue to ‘worship’ their idols and their lifestyles just as they do now – even when the world is at peace.

We walk in a world where we can see all of this happening around us. We know it is happening because we can see it. We know that God has warned us that this will happen and so we can continue to believe in the truth. We must be careful to make sure that we do follow God’s Word and not to get caught up in the things that are around us because that would be our downfall. God has warned us that there will be imposters coming that may look like they could be gods but we need to stick fast to the absolute truth and keep His Word deep in our hearts. Only by walking with God will we be able to stand against the principalities that will try to stand against Him. Walk with Him, stick with Him and He will be with you forever!

Points to Ponder:
Are your friends always friends?
Are you walking with God?