Wednesday Reading: Hebrews 13:15-17
Key Verse: Hebrews 13:15
15 By Him, then, let us offer the sacrifice of praise to God continually, that is, the fruit of our lips, confessing His name.
Jesus was the One who came willingly to lay down His perfect life for our sins. He did this according to the law that had been laid down by God and according to His scriptures. He was taken outside the gate to be hung on the cross just like a blood sacrifice would be taken outside the gate before being burned. He did this because of His love for us. What should we then do for Him; what can we do?
We may compare our lives to His and think that there is absolutely nothing we can offer because we are full of sin; but there is! Christ would like us to show our respect for Him in various manners all of which are given to us through the gospel. Here we have but a few ways in which we can show our love for Him, but important ways... Through praising Him for everything in our lives we are showing others and Him that we acknowledge that He is the Creator and that He is in control and that we bow to Him in everything; making sure that we know that it is Christ and none others that has done this for us.
What we must not forget to do either is the things which Christ showed us to do whilst He was here on earth. Never forget to do good when you are able. Christ never turned His back on anyone that approached Him. What He did on the cross was for everyone that is willing to listen and not just a chosen few – that list would have been incredibly short otherwise! Showing respect for those in charge will allow them to see that we respect authority even though the ultimate authority is in Christ. Doing things with an unwilling heart does not benefit anyone. We need to look after our souls because they are eternal and making sure that they are safe in Christ hands rather than the evil ones will show God that we acknowledge Him as our King.
Points to Ponder:
What are you willing to do for others?
What are you doing for God?