Sunday 9 Aug 2009

Sunday Reading: 1 Kings 3:5-15
Key Verse: 1 Kings 3:9
9  And give to Your servant an understanding heart, to judge Your people, to discern between good and bad. For who is able to judge this, Your great people?

What would you ask for is God came to you and asked what you would like? That is a difficult question because we are surrounded by so many things nowadays; but most of those things that surround us are just trinkets when it comes to comparing them to what God can give us!

It is very easy to get caught up in physical things and to start asking God to supply you with physical things thinking that that will make you happy and that you would be able to help people more with more money or more time or more goods. That is not what God wants from us. He wants us to change our hearts so that we are more willing to go out there and make a difference. If we are more willing to set aside our own stuff and do things for God, then He will be there to support us in whatever we are doing for Him.

Solomon could have asked for anything. Indeed he had a whole lot of things because his father David was king and had so much. His wish was not to enlarge his own wealth or life, but to enlarge his heart and his wisdom so that he could do more for his people, God’s people.

When Christ says that we should turn our backs on the world and focus on spiritual things, this is what He is talking about. We need to put aside the physical and focus on the spiritual because God will supply the physical to match the spiritual we are willing to achieve...

Points to Ponder:
What would you like?
Do you think God would approve?