Wednesday Reading: 2 Peter 1:5-9
Key Verse: 2 Peter 1:9
9 For he in whom these things are not present is blind and cannot see afar off and has forgotten that he was purged from his sins in the past.
How often do you get tired or bored of doing something so you take to some short cuts instead of doing the job properly? How many of those times have you then found out that taking short cuts is not as good as you thought and you had to go back and re-do what should have been done properly in the first place? There are so many things in our lives where we need to be diligent in carrying out the work properly and no more so that in our work for God. It is so easy to not do the whole thing and take time off to go off and do something else instead, but unless we continue to be diligent we will eventually find that what we have done may not be good enough!
I’m not talking about anything you can do to get to heaven, because Jesus Christ is the only way. I am talking about how you live your life after you get to know Him. What sort of relationship would you have if you did not uphold your side of it by being faithful to Him? These words are so self explanatory in that sense that all you have to do is to read them through a few times to remember them – that will be enough to make you think about what you can do...
The reminder comes in the last verse in this section which is our key verse today... Anyone who has not approached their relationship with Christ with diligence is going to find shortcomings in their relationship because that is the base of our relationship with Christ. Unless we are ready to submit to His authority and follow His Word, then we are not ready for a relationship with Him... That does sound harsh but it is sadly true. Too many people want to be called Christians but do not want to have to do what Christians do – love God. Loving Him is not just about saying it is so but doing it!
Points to Ponder:
Do you think you do your work diligently?
Are you sincere about your relationship with Christ?