Monday 20 Jul 2009

Monday Reading: Hebrews 11:13-16
Key Verse: Hebrews 11:13
13  These all died by way of faith, not having received the promises, but having seen them afar off. And they were persuaded of them and embraced them and confessed that they were strangers and pilgrims on the earth.
This chapter in Hebrews is often referred to as the faith chapter because it lists many of the people from the bible who showed faith. We often look back at the Old Testament and think that they may not have had to have so much faith because they had the prophets who did hear from God or they themselves may have heard from God. What we do not always remember is that their promises were not just for them but for future generations; Abrahams promise was for a future kingdom. They did have to have faith because things don’t just happen overnight!

Faith is not about waking up one morning and finding that everything is just the way you want it. Faith is not about asking God to set things right overnight. Faith is about asking things of God and then patiently waiting for His answer; not sitting around wondering if God will answer, but patiently waiting for Him to answer as He has promised He will. Each one of these people knew that God would answer their prayers and they depended upon that fact. That is what we have to do in our lives with God.

He has declared that He has created us a wonderful place in heaven for each of us who trust in Him. He has done everything that has to be done so that we can have that place as promised. It is no longer blind hope but faith that will get us there. We no longer have to wonder if we will get there, just when we will get there! We need not be ashamed that we believe this because it is a promise from God. We need not wonder if, just when...

Points to Ponder:
Do you wonder if your friends will support you?

Are you depending on God’s support?