Wednesday 17 Jun 2009

Wednesday Reading: 2 Corinthians 5:6-8
Key Verse: 2 Corinthians 5:6
6  Then being always confident, knowing that while we are at home in the body, we are away from home from the Lord;

What gives you confidence? Well, it’s normally experience... that experience does not necessarily have to be your own but could be someone else’s. We draw on experience of various things to allow us to make decisions in the future when we come across similar situations. Hopefully we build up the right experiences and can then make good judgements as to what is good and bad. But there are going to be times when we are in doubt as to which way to turn. Being able to call on someone and ask for advice is always good and normally very helpful if you know who to call. What you do with that advice is then, again, your decision. With repeated advice we build up confidence in that person if the advice is always sound.

We know that when we walk alone in this world we are never truly alone because God is everywhere. What we are doing is in effect walking with Him but totally ignoring Him as we walk. Whilst we ignore Him we are not listening to His advice nor asking His advice and hence do not get it – that is our choice. We cannot see Him when we do walk with Him, but we do know He is there – that is a step of faith, just knowing He is there.

Because we know He is there, we can then have more confidence that He is going to help us and guide us – so long as we are willing to listen or ask. The more that we rely on that confidence, the more that we can be sure that He is there because the more we will find out just how much He does do in our presence. Trying to justify everything and prove everything will cast doubts in our minds because we will then be relying on our own sight again rather than having the confidence to rely on our unseen God. Yes it can be a difficult situation to be in when you try to figure things out yourself, but it can be a pleasing situation when you do rely on Him with confidence!

Points to Ponder:
Who do you trust?
Are you trusting God?