Monday 8 Jun 2009

Monday Reading: Psalm 1:1-3
Key Verse: Psalm 1:3
3  And he shall be like a tree planted by the rivulets of water that brings forth its fruit in its seasons, and its leaf shall not wither, and all which he does shall be blessed.
At first glance we may think that we have no hope because we have walked with the ungodly and we have not meditated on God’s word both day and night; there may have been hours or even days in which we have done that but we have always been exposed to wickedness and have given in to it too. But do not despair because we do have hope through Jesus Christ our Lord and through Him and what He has done for us, we are able to receive that blessing. Christ may be the only one who has not sinned, but we can be presented to God in the same light because Christ took on our sin debt!

This does not mean that we can rest in our sin and just leave it to Christ to forgive us; far from it. When we begin to grow in Christ we need to grow in His Word too. By learning and following His Word we are able to understand how our lives should be lead with the goal of pleasing Christ. We cannot simply take our bibles and follow the words for 5 minutes a day... we need to take those words with us so that we can think about them every hour of every day. That way we will have an everlasting supply of food that will make us last and allow us to survive in this otherwise desolate world.

A Tree planted close to a water source will continually draw up water through its roots so that it can flourish. If it were only to try and draw up water for 5 minutes a day it would dry up and die – it needs a constant supply of water to survive properly. It will use that water to grow stronger so that in times of drought it may have enough strength to continue on and survive. When the good times return it does not restrict itself to a tiny supply but will take all that it can to build itself up again in preparation for the next dry season. We need to be like that with God’s Word because we may not always have ready access to it.

Points to Ponder:
Do you save up for the future?

Are you building yourself up in God’s Word?