Monday Reading: 2 Corinthians 3:1-3
Key Verse: 2 Corinthians 3:3
3 it having been made plain that you are the epistle of Christ, ministered by us, not having been written with ink, but with the Spirit of the living God; not on tablets of stone, but in fleshly tablets of the heart.
Have you noticed how fraudsters will always try to have some sort of documentation to support their claims so that they will sound more convincing? No matter how much documentation we have with us none of it is going to show us to be a Christian in others people’s eyes if we are not going to act like Christians! The plain truth is that our actions are going to count for more than any official written documents when it comes to convincing others...
When the Apostles wrote that Christ looks at the inner man rather than the outward man, those words serve as a reminder that we are to be genuine. Christ can see straight through our outward actions and see into our hearts; but you will be surprised at how much of our inner beings come out through our actions! When we do things without thinking we tend to do the things that we know by heart; something as simple as walking up stairs becomes difficult if we try to concentrate on the task. So what we need to do is to learn God’s Word so that we will do His Will without having to think about it!
There will be no better example of God’s Word to others than the way that we act; so our actions have to count towards God and not against God. It will only take one step against God to break down all that we have tried to achieve for God. But, on the bright side, our actions will be able to count for so much toward others being encouraged to find God themselves. We don’t have to have reams of documents to back us up if we are walking with God because He will give us what it takes for others to follow on. Moses thought himself to be of no good but God used him in an amazing way! Stand up and be counted towards God’s Church.
Points to Ponder:
Do you seek documents over experience?
Are you seeking God before documents?