Sunday 3 Oct 2010

Sunday Reading: Psalm 119:9
Key Verse: Psalm 119:9
9  BETH: With what shall a young man cleanse his way? By taking heed according to Your Word.

I’m pretty sure that all of us can look back on things in our lives and wish we had either done things differently or simply not done some things! But that is the way that life is... We are born into sin and live by sin until we learn God’s ways and accept them as our own ways. We then continue in sin but know we are forgiven by Jesus and know that we do not have to give in to that sin anymore. But that certainly does not exclude of from having to learn more about what God would have us to do by reading His Word!

We could look back on life and get all depressed about the way that we acted and the way that we are and think that there is nothing worth living for... Or we could seek out the truth and aim for that truth. God has given us that truth in our bibles; in His Word and He wants us to be able to learn from that truth each and every day. He wants us to learn that we are forgiven or can be forgiven and that we can learn all of this through His Word. His word points out that the beginnings of wisdom comes through learning His Word and applying His Word. We need to apply it just as much as we learn it.

And how do we go about learning His Word. Well the most important thing is that we need to hear it in the first place. That means picking up our bibles and reading them, not as a novel but as the truth. We need to be together in churches so that we can share that truth and learn from each other. We need to open up all that we know to others so that they can then know that same truth that we find. We need to take heed of all that has been written down because God made sure that all of it was written down for our benefit! It is not a chore that we have to endure but rather a new and exciting way of life that God has made for us to enjoy with Him! Enjoy it!

Points to Ponder
How much do you think you know?

Have you learned anything from God’s Word?