Thursday 30 Sep 2010

Thursday Reading: Psalm 115:3-8
Key Verse: Psalm 115:6a
6  they have ears, but they do not hear;...

It is said that you can find out a lot about someone by the company they keep. Well, you may well know that that is not always the way because some people go out of their way to be with some pretty strange people. But we can find out a lot about a person by the god (or God) that they keep or follow. If they are genuine about their god (or God) then we will be able to know what they are like – or will we? If you knew that someone was a liar would you be able to find out anything from them?

There are many things that people treat like gods and there are many people that follow those gods of this earth; but that is all they are, gods made up from this earth, stuck to this earth, of this earth and certainly not doing anything about pretty much anything! So what of the people that follow those gods? Well we always like to generalise and we start to put people into pigeon holes. We over-generalise many things and we exclude many from our lives or minds because we have placed them in with a bunch of people who are not pleasant. We do have to be very careful about how we look at others because judging is wrong but is so easy to do!

But think about those gods... sports, money, greed, lust, but to name a few... It is not just those religions that have false gods that we are talking about here but rather various ways of life. If we are taking those ways of life before God then we are taking those ways of life as our god! Those gods are nothing but earthly creations. They do not listen to our  prayers and they certainly do not answer them! We know they do not take care of us but rather wind us up. We know they do not see us because they cannot see. And yet we lift them up as gods for some reason. Why should we even think about getting into a relationship when we know the other side is not going to respond to anything! Aim for the truth. Aim for the only real God. Aim to please Him because He has done so much for you already!

Points to Ponder:
What is most important in your life?

Are you really God’s friend?