Friday Reading: Jude 1:1-4
Key Verse: Jude 1:1
1 Jude, a servant of Jesus Christ, and brother of James, to the ones called in God the Father, having been set apart, and having been kept by Jesus Christ:
Another reminder that we are all called by God to do that which is right... Jude was a brother of James and he realised that he was set apart from the world so that he could do God’s will. That is the turning point in anyone’s life when they realise that they are no longer held by the trappings and temptations of this world but are set free through Jesus Christ. From that moment on we must realise that we are no longer trapped but set free to be able to do God’s will. We still have the choice as to whether we will do God’s will and more often than not we take a long time in deciding whether we will and even give in many times after that... but we are still free...
But with that freedom comes something that we do not expect. Satan will continue to try and prevent you from getting to know Christ in the beginning but once you do he goes out of his way to try and trip you up at every opportunity that he can. Yes he knows that he is beat but he also knows that we are still the weak ones and that we give in just as Adam and Eve gave in so easily in the beginning. So he continues to send all manner of people and temptations our way so that we grow weary and we think about giving in. The one thing that we must remember is that we are free; we have been set free from this world by what Jesus Christ has done for us and because of that we no longer have to listen to Satan and his worldly followers.
The more people that Satan is able to convince the more of an uphill struggle we face. The older the world gets the more people seem to fall into his evil trap and the harder it is for us to work against the world and it trappings. There is absolutely no way that we will ever be able to defeat Satan but we have a Rock upon which we can stand who has already defeated him! Christ has already won the battle against Satan and as long as we are willing to stand on Him and follow in His footsteps then we will not have to give in to the evil ways of the god of this world!
Points to Ponder:
Are you easily tempted?
Do you find the worldly ways hard to give up?