Thursday 16 Sep 2010

Thursday Reading: Hebrews 6:13-15
Key Verse: Hebrews 6:15
15  And so, after he had patiently endured, he obtained the promise.

Would you describe yourself as being a patient person or are you a person who will hurry things along because that is your style? We can read through our bibles and find people who have been patient and those that have not. At first glance we may think of many who we thought to be patient but the deeper we read through God’s Word the more that we realise that we all have our impatient side, the side that wants things to move on quickly. So which category do we actually fall into then?

The choice is ours and in order to make an informed choice we have to know the options and know the consequences of those choices. If we are going to be the ones who do nothing but wait for someone else to do things then we are going to face many disappointing times; this should not be confused with waiting on God because therein lies a totally different way of living. If we are the ones that will try to force our own ways and do things ourselves then we will quickly find that all is vanity just as Solomon. What we need is to listen and to learn from our great Teacher, Christ.

God has laid down the Law to us. He has also given us a mighty instruction manual for us to learn from. He has given us a Teacher to be by our sides always. He has shown us the way to live. He has shown us how much He loves us and wants us to live by His ways. God wants us to go out and to spread the gospel, which means we need to get up and do things. But not just anything! He wants us to follow His ways and to rely on Him for support. If that means waiting many years before you find your perfect partner then so be it. God’s blessings are like His promises, they will last forever and they are a sure thing! But in order to obtain those blessings we may well have to be more patient than we would otherwise like to be. Trust in Him and depend on Him. His timing is always perfect.

Points to Ponder:
Are you always in a rush?

Are you trying to rush God?