Wednesday Reading: Ephesians 2:14-18
Key Verse: Ephesians 2:18
18 For through Him we both have access by one Spirit to the Father.
I know that each religion has their differences and that many will never be able to agree on much but those that are willing to say that they are Christians should be able to agree on the basic fact that God’s Word is the truth. Christians should all be able to agree to the fact that Christ has died for their sins – that is after all the basis of Christianity! Christ is the one who has made this possible through what He has done for us. Nothing we can do will get us closer to Him that what He will do Himself.
By the very act of laying His own life down for our sins He has brought us closer to Him. That act was for every single one of us who is willing to admit that He actually did that for us because we fall short of His rules, the commandments. When we ask Him to forgive us of our sins He is faithful and just to do exactly that. It does not matter what background we come from but rather where we head to from that moment onwards. As a Christian we are placing our life in His hands knowing that that is where He wants us to be. As a Christian we then need to uphold His truth so that others can know that same truth. If that truth clashes with our “religion” then we must surely question who made the rules in our “religion”.
God is the author of the bible and it is the only book that we should look to for the truth. If what man has written down does not agree with the bible then we must question man’s writings. Our lives must be lived for Christ by following His will and obeying His Word. No we will not always be able to do everything right and He knows that; but what we can do is do the best we can to grow with and in His Word. Christ came into this world to seek and to save those who are lost; He did not come to condemn everyone who cannot do everything right – otherwise we would all be condemned already!
Points to Ponder:
Do you see yourself as a Christian?
Have you thanked Him for what He has done for you?