Monday 26 Jul 2010

Monday Reading: Matthew 13:9
Key Verse: Matthew 13:9
9  He who has ears to hear, let him hear.
Each verse in our bibles has its meaning and as we always try to remind everyone we do have to take each verse in context because you can change the verse when said out of context. This is one verse though that has the same meaning when said in context of the parable of the sower or just by itself. Whosoever has ears, let them hear God’s Word. It’s not just talking about people who physically have ears, not those with the ability to physically hear but rather anyone who has the disposition to take in God’s Word.

So who are those of such a disposition? Every human being who has the ability to understand. We cannot include every human because young children who cannot yet grasp reading would find it difficult to understand such wisdom. Each one who is able to understand what is being said to them has the ability to understand God’s Word; whether they take it in or not is going to be up to them as to whether they wish to hear the word and also whether they are willing to take it in. As we get older and continue in our learning and gaining what we may call wisdom, we get set in our ways. If we have chosen a path that does not coincide with God’s path then we have not chosen the path to wisdom but the earthly path that will bear no fruit.

If any person is willing to listen for a few minutes then they will be able to gain a bit more wisdom from God’s Word. With that wisdom as a seed within their hearts, God will be able to make a crop grow that will be far more in abundance than the seed that was planted. God is the one who will make the crops grow and He alone is the one who will make His Word grow within us. Yes we can water that seed and tend to it to give it more chance, but without God there will be no growth.

As we start our teen retreat this week please pray for these young people that they may have the ears and hearts to hear God’s Word.

Points to Ponder:
How often do you really listen?

Is God’s Word still sinking in?