Tuesday 29 Jun 2010

Tuesday Reading: Hebrews 11:24-26
Key Verse: Hebrews 11:24
24  Having become great, Moses by faith refused to be called the son of Pharaoh's daughter,

Is faith something you have or have not or are there varying degrees of faith? That is a difficult question to answer because both sides of the argument seem to be true. When we look at someone who we think has great faith we think of ourselves as having little faith but on the other hand you either have faith in Christ or you do not. Faith is something that grows with us and that we exercise every day in what we do. Christ reminded the disciples that if they had faith the size of a mustard seed they would be able to move mountains. Hebrews 11 shows us many forms of faith and reminds us that faith is as important now as it has always been.

Moses seemed to have it all being in charge of so much during the times when the Pharaohs were at their richest. And yet he gave that all up to follow his God, our God. In this world and time that we live in we are surrounded by so much that tempts us away from God and towards sin; just like Moses we have to make the choice between following those desires and that sin or turning around and following God. That is where faith comes in because we do not have a person who we can physically turn to and who will tell us to follow Him; but we know He is there and we have to make that same choice.

Our rewards are in heaven with Christ and not with man on earth. Yes there are so many things that we can and do enjoy that God has given to us on this earth, but we must always remember that they come from Him. Whether it be people, possessions or other comforts, we must always know that Christ is the author of our lives. Because we can know that, we can have faith in the unseen because we can see the results. God has given us so much and we need to turn to Him in faith and know that He is always there.

Points to Ponder:
What would you give up to follow Christ?

Do you tell Him how much He means to you?