Thursday 24 Jun 2010

Thursday Reading: James 1:18-20

Key Verse: James 1:19
19  Wherefore, my beloved brethren, let every man be swift to hear, slow to speak, slow to wrath:

How many times have you disappointed someone through the things that you have said or done? When we look back on things in our lives we begin to see things in a new light and we begin to realise how many things we have done that are out of character – or at least we think they are out of character. You see, many of the things that we have done in the past are not so much out of character by indicative of the character that we were at that time. We change as we go along, changing with moods and with actions or reactions towards others.

We can be thankful that Christ does not change over time because He does not have to; the truth will always remain the truth! He is the one that created us in the beginning and He is our God; we are the ones that turn our backs on Him or on His people. We are the ones that have times when we are slow to anger and times when we blow our tops at the slightest thing. Christ remains as constant now as He always has been and it is that example that we need to look to every day of our lives.

The emotive times that we show do not all come from God because we are the ones doing our own thing. God has given us emotion so that we can live in peace and happiness with others not so that we can blow our tops off and have great big arguments. His creation was for peace of forbearance and not for hatred. How are we going to be the examples for Christ that He wants us to be unless we walk forward in His light? How are we going to be his likeness unless we at least try to be more like Him? Christ is Love. Christ is Just. Christ is always. Christ is ours and we are His.

Points to Ponder:
How often do you monitor your actions?

How often do you think “what would Jesus do”?