Saturday 29 May 2010

Saturday Reading: Hebrews 12:25-29
Key Verse: Hebrews 12:29
29  for also, "Our God is a consuming fire."

No matter how much we love someone and they love us we always seem to be able to get to a point where an argument is going to follow. We all have our differences and we all have our ideas; but the thing is that we are all different too. No matter how much we think we are alike, no two people are the same in their thoughts. This tends to cause conflict and it is through that conflict that we often find ourselves doing things that we say to others that should not be done. We often find ourselves in a state where we defend our ideas even though we know them to be wrong. But as long as we are willing to take a step back and think before we get into those situations then we have a chance at getting things right to start with!

No matter how hard we try to get things right in front of God we always seem to make mistakes as well. How we react to those mistakes is very important because if we stand up and cause a scene even though we know we are in the wrong then we are essentially fighting against God! Fighting against The Almighty is not something that we should ever contemplate! God is our Creator and He alone is the one in charge of this universe that we find ourselves in. He is the one that has said that He will create a new heaven and a new earth. He has shown us what is possible throughout history right from the beginning of creation through to the miracles that He performed over and over again.

God loves us more than we can imagine, but that does not detract from the fact that He is Holy and Just. We have to remember that He cannot abide sin and because of that we should not flout it in His face – and how we do... We need to love Him back; which means that we need to obey His commandments, obey His will, follow His word and keep His ways. When we don’t, we face confronting Him and He has to be just and carry out what He has said that He will do when we make waves... God is Love, but He also is a Consuming Fire...

Points to Ponder:
How often do you argue with others?
Do you really want to argue with God?