Monday Reading: Psalm 40:1-4
Key Verse: Psalm 40:4
4 Blessed is the man who makes Jehovah his trust and does not turn to the proud, nor to those who turn aside to a lie.
Because we are governed by time we automatically assume that everything else is because that is all we know. God is not. That alone makes it difficult for us to comprehend Him and His ways sometimes. No matter how much we think that we can understand it we are always impatient because we still live in time. We see everything as having a start and end and when we want something we always like to put a time limit on our requests so that we can gain some sort of closure – but God is not governed by time... God is the one that created time for us to live in and by.
When things go wrong in our lives we want to be able to see the end of those bad times as soon as we can; we do not like those things to linger in our lives. When things go badly we lift them up to God to ask for His help, His blessing and His peace; but we also put a time limit on those requests. Maybe not physically but mentally, in our minds, we limit everything. God wants us to recognise that because He is not governed by time He does not have to want on or for time. His ways are beyond our comprehension in that front because everything is always in the present for Him. So when we ask Him for things in our lives we must not shackle His ways by imposing time on them but rather patiently wait on Him because He has already known it!
Our mission in life is not to prove that we know Christ, nor to prove that He knows us but simply to believe in Him, trust in Him and praise Him. Just those simple acts are going to put us at odds with the world because the world will want us to keep to time and to take it first rather than God. We need to put our trust firmly in Christ’s hands and not in the proud upstarts of this world. We need to put our faith and trust in the truth and not in the lies of this world. The proud are too proud to admit to their lies and will trap as many as possible in their lie to try and comfort themselves. We need to put aside those ways and firmly grasp Christ’s ways.
Points to Ponder:
What do you look for in someone to follow them?
Are you looking for Christ’s truth?