Monday Reading: Matthew 28:11-15
Key Verse: Matthew 28:15
15 And taking the silver, they did as they were taught. And this saying was spread among the Jews until today.
How many times have you been told a lie from someone whom you thought you could trust? How many times have we seen stories in the news about people in positions of trust and authority having being caught out doing terrible things? This is nothing new because this has been going on from the beginning – men have created their own stories to cover up their evil deeds and then have corrupted many others by propagating those same lies, spreading them faster than the truth. But note how the truth always comes out in the end; maybe not within the lifetime of that person but the truth does always prevail. So much more the corruption is seen when that person has already died themselves.
All too often we like to cover over the lies so that we do not have to admit them to others. All too often we hide the deceit so that we do not have to talk of it. God’s Word is different because it does tell of the deceit and yet we continue to cover it over. The religious leaders at that time thought it good to spread lies about Jesus’ resurrection because if they had to admit to it being true then they would have to admit to the lies that they were living themselves. They rather kept themselves looking good in the eyes of those around them than to tell the truth and set everyone free. They wanted to be in charge and they would do anything to keep it that way.
Christ warns us that many people will pretend to come in His name and many people will do things saying that they come from Christ. Unless they agree to what is in God’s Word then they most certainly do not come from Christ. He has already given us the truth in His Word and He will never go back on that truth – how could we trust Him if He did. Man is the only one who will corrupt God’s Word just to get his own way. Man is not the one we need to follow – Christ alone is our Saviour and our King.
Points to Ponder:
What lies have deceived you?
Did you compare it to God’s Word?