Saturday 20 Mar 2010

Saturday Reading: Psalm 119:125-128
Key Verse: Psalm 119:127
127  Therefore I love Your Commandments above gold; yea, even fine gold.

When we turn towards God and look on the things that He shows us we very quickly find that there are so many things that surround us that are certainly not of God. Before we take guidance from God we look at the worldly things and we make our minds up about which things we will allow into our lives; but that very quickly breaks down and we allow more and more garbage into our lives as we live. That is just the ways of the world and if we live by those ways then we continue in those ways. If we want to seriously separate ourselves from that way of life then we have to look to God.

The more we are able to look to God and the more that we are able to seek out and follow His Word, the more that we will be able to discern that which is for God and that which is against Him. It is little wonder then that as we follow His Word we get to look at the things of the world in a new light. All the trinkets and the splendour seem to lose their glitter and attraction. All those around us start to wonder how we could ever turn our backs on those things because they think of them as being so good – yet we have found a surer and brighter way than they have found in their worldly pursuits.

When the Psalmist writes that he loves God’s Commandments more than gold it is saying that God’s Commandments and His ways have become more attractive and more pleasing than worldly treasures could ever be. Yes money can buy all sorts of things but it certainly cannot buy God, His ways or a way for you to get to heaven; no matter how much of your money you give back to those who need it! If you are seeking something special in your life then you need to stop looking in this world and start looking towards heaven where Christ is. When you grow weary of all the world can offer there is nothing more that it can offer. With God there is no end.

Points to Ponder:
What do you hold most precious?
How do you hold God’s Commandments?