Saturday 13 Mar 2010

Saturday Reading: Matthew 13:10-16
Key Verse: Matthew 13:16
16  But blessed are your eyes, for they see: and your ears, for they hear.

Isn’t it amazing how some days you are so taken away with things of this earth that you clean forget about things that you should be doing for His Majesty! I am on the drag today... But at least He continues to give me the wisdom that I need to be able to tell others about His Word and I praise Him for giving me that gift to give to you!

When Jesus was teaching the disciples and preaching to those who would listen He often taught using parables; stories that have a biblical connotation (big word because I am awake!) and give God’s word to those that need it in the manner they need it. Can you imagine if Jesus tried to sit down and explain the intricacies of His Father’s Word to everyone who was listening... Half of us would be lost after the first minute... But by using the words that He uses and the examples and parables we are able to understand what it is that He is trying to get across to us. In just the same manner Christ was trying to teach the disciples what they needed to know and realise whilst also pricking the imaginations and hearts of those around who would not understand...

When you don’t hear the end of a story of which you are told most of but not all of it, you want to find out the whole story. Christ gives us the whole story but in a manner that pricks our imaginations so that we go seeking more of His Word to try and understand it. When He taught He would make constant references back to the Old Testament prophets and God’s words so that the disciples would be able to fit everything together in their minds later. We quite often hear His word and do not understand it fully until we spend time with it when the Holy Spirit can give us understanding. We have to be the ones willing to listen to Him in the first place and we have to be the ones that seek out that truth that He is trying to explain to us. He has made the first move and wants us to follow up on that move...

Points to Ponder:
Do you follow everything you read in God’s Word?
Are you following up on the things you don’t get first time round?