Thursday 11 Mar 2010

Thursday Reading: Genesis 6:1-8
Key Verse: Genesis 6:6
6  And Jehovah repented that He had made man on the earth, and He was angry to His heart.

What sort of feelings went through your heart when someone did something to you that was not nice at all? Maybe it was someone who you called a friend that went out of their way to do something horrible or maybe you found the true side of people that you had thought that you knew well. Ours is not to judge people because that is God’s domain, but ours is to take note of what goes on around us and apply that to our own relationship with God. What could be worse than hurting God?

Well, there is nothing new there because man has this inbuilt self destruct mode that allows him to continually walk away from God and walk in his own ways toward destruction. We have shown over and over again that we tend towards chaos and destruction rather than towards evolution. We have shown that we cannot live by ourselves because we break things rather than build them up – ourselves including. But God continues in His amazing ability to show us grace no matter how bad we do get. He does draw the line and we must be aware of that fact!

In the days of Noah, God could not find any righteous people other than Noah and his immediate family. Nobody else seemed to care about God or about all that He had done for them so far. Nobody was acknowledging the fact that God was their creator! Does that sound sort of familiar – it should do because we always seem to fall back into that same hole time and time again. God gave man 120 years to sort himself out and to repent. What could you do in 120 years? Think how much could you accomplish for God in just 12 years, never mind 120! But God’s grace shone out as He gave man 120 years in which time Noah continued to try to convince people to turn back to God. Can you imagine such a soul destroying ministry? God never gave up – neither should we!

Points to Ponder
How long do you try to show people the truth?

Do you find it hard telling other about God?