Sunday Reading: Proverbs 28:13-14
Key Verse: Proverbs 28:13
13 He who covers his sins shall not be blessed; but whoever confesses and leaves them shall have mercy.
It is a totally amazing thing that God would want to cover our sins; the love He has for us is so great that He is willing to simply take the blame away from us when we come to Him. Yet so many people still think that they can take that blame away from themselves, by redeeming themselves through good works or by passing that blame onto someone else. That is just something that we cannot do! God is Omnipresent. He is with us wherever we are so trying to hide something from Him is just not going to happen!
God covers our sins because of His unending grace. Through that fact we can see His grace and can glorify that grace through what He does for us. If we try to take that on ourselves we will do nothing but make it a filthy task because we cannot take away someone else’s sins, never mind our own! Does that mean we should shout about all that we do wrong so everyone can know? No. What we should be doing is to admit those sins to God and make sure that we continue our walk with Him. If we want to be able to put those sins behind us and move forward, we need Him to bury those sins for us to start with.
God continues to make sure that we do know that He is just and merciful to forgive us of those sins that we bring before Him. He continues to want us to know that He is also not going to forget those sins that we try to hide because all we are doing is deceiving ourselves and those around us. What God would have us to do is to recognise that we are under His watchful eyes so that we will be more encouraged to remember His ways and follow them instead of our own ways. God is watching. Don’t ever forget that.
Points to Ponder:
Do you watch over others when you care for them?
Do you know God is caring for you?