Friday Reading: Genesis 6:1-6
Key Verse: Genesis 6:5
5 And GOD saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually.
No matter how hard we try to be good and how hard we try to separate ourselves from those who work against God, we will never be able to do it by ourselves! Seth’s family were living up in the mountains and were referred to as the sons of God because they were supposed to be living a life closer to God, being separated from Cain’s family who were born after Cain’s sin and lived a life apart from God. Seth’s family were not supposed to mix with their more ungodly brethren but they had started to do so because they liked the look of the women... Lust was taking over their lives and they started following their own lusts rather than God’s wishes.
So is it anything new that we find that we do the same in our lives still? Far from it! It does not go into too many details about what else was going on other than it saying that the LORD repented that He has made man. Did God know this would happen, yes; but He did it anyway to show us just how remarkable His love in and how swift and total His judgement is too. If our bibles were full of the details of how, when and where men were sinning I am sure that those words alone would be enough to persuade many to go off and try those things out. Take a look at the media nowadays and see how many people do what they see being done.
That is not God’s wish. We are told how much it affected God to have to watch His creation go off and sin willingly. God wanted us to bury that sin behind us and live for Him; but still be lust after the things we see. And it’s not just women but so many things in our lives now. We are bombarded with all these things in all manner of media exposure too giving us little hope to be able to separate ourselves from that sin. That is why we need God in our lives and He can help us to leave the lust behind and walk forward safely in His arms, depending on Him rather than our own minds which are weak.
Points to Ponder:
What is one weakness that affects you daily?
Are you trying to be strong in the LORD?