Friday 29 Jan 2010

Friday Reading: Luke 12:54-59

Key Verse: Luke 12:56
56  Hypocrites! You know to discern the face of the heaven and the earth, but how is it that you do not discern this time?

You have heard sayings such as “red sky at night is a shepherd’s delight” and you will get to know that many such saying do have truth in them. When you can see a dark cloud coming close then you know that there is a chance of some rain coming in that cloud. We look around us and we can pretty much tell what is going to happen through the things that surround us and yet there are still so many things in our lives where we cannot tell what is about to happen. Yet if we were to read and believe God’s Word then we may well be able to see things that are coming and be prepared for them – yet we don’t.

Why should our physical world that we can see be any different from the promises of God that we cannot see? Well, they are actually different... God’s promises will stand, they will come to pass, our bibles tell us the truth. When we survey the earth around us we jump to conclusions and those conclusions are not always correct. Take the dinosaurs for example. There are many places in our bibles where large beasts are described that have no resemblance to anything alive today but could well be what scientists believe are our lost past. So why do we believe scientists as they continue to guess rather than God’s Word?

Our main problem is that we still have a lot to learn from God’s Word. When we see things around us we jump to conclusions. When we read things we jump to conclusions. Many of those conclusions are not correct simply because we have not though things through. I can remember learned one thing in school and now knowing the truth rather than the guesses that people were making back then. Each generation continues to learn more and more but equally they continue to be deluded by the guesses of people who come to invalid conclusions through them not knowing the truth to start with. God’s Word is the truth and that is where we need to start!

Points to Ponder:
Are you a good scholar?

How much of God’s Word have you learned?