Sunday 5 Jun 2011

Sunday Reading: 2 Peter 3:14-18

Key Verse: 2 Peter 3:18
18  But grow in grace and in knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. To Him be the glory, both now and to the day of eternity. Amen.

How hard is it to work in a dirty place without getting dirty? Well it is almost impossible to work somewhere like in a garage without getting grease and other dirt all over your hands at the very least; we wear overalls so that we do not get our clothes dirty... but somehow the dirt just seems to get through to everything! So how do we expect to be able to live in a dirty, perverse, deceitful and corrupt world without having some of that rub off on us? If we are going to surround ourselves with that sort of mess, then do we really expect to come out the other end without some of that dirt on us?

Our goal has got to be to keep ourselves clean by being diligent and keeping a careful watch out for all things that are going on around us. But in doing so we are exposing ourselves to the very dirt that we want to be able to avoid in the first place! That is where God’s Word comes in and reminds us of the fact that we do need to separate ourselves from this world so that we can at least have a better chance at coming out without all of the dirt spread all over us! Just because we find it a bit harder to live a life that is separate from this world does not mean that God is not with us. He does not promise that we will live a life without a care in the world; quite the opposite.

God warns us that we will come up against many things as we live our lives. He also says that we will come up against many more things as we live our lives for Him because this world is so much against Him. But what we need to remember more is the length and depth of what Christ has had to go through as He watches over all mankind living a life against Him. Our hardships then fade into obscurity as we realise how much more He has had to endure – and continues to endure! People give us words such as being diligent and steadfast which all sound so good... but what it comes down to is the simple fact that we are the ones who have to stand up and be counted as Christians and not give in to this world and all its trimmings!

Points to Ponder:
Have you made your move?

Are you keeping Christ with you?