Monday 9 May 2011

Monday Reading: Matthew 6:9-15

Key Verse: Matthew 6:9
9  Therefore pray in this way: Our Father, who is in Heaven, Hallowed be Your name.

The Lord’s Prayer can be something special you repeat daily as a common prayer or it can be a very personal request from your heart... I cannot honestly remember when I first learned The Lord’s Prayer because I seem to have known it for so long but it was not until I first heard a sermon about the meaning of The Lord’s Prayer not too many years back that I realised just how much meaning there is to it. I can remember my grandmother praying it with us when I was in junior school and it was just something that we felt comfortable saying; but when I got to know God it took on a whole new meaning.

I can remember the first part of that sermon because it has stuck with me for so long. Who is the object of the prayer? “Our Father” And where is He? He “is in Heaven”! What a most wonderful and glorious situation to be in; to be able to make a personal and heart-felt petition to God! Not just any god but our God, our Father, the One True God who is in Heaven! That in itself should be taught over and over again to make sure that everyone who says The Lord’s Prayer remembers just who is the recipient of our prayers and remembers exactly where He is! It is no small matter that our prayers should be lifted up to the very God that created this whole universe.

Can you imagine what you would have to do to be able to get a personal letter through to the Prime Minister or the President of your country just so that they would read it and answer you? And yet what we have is a clear and easy manner in which we can lift up our personal requests to the One who created all of them and all of us! What a glorious honour and privilege it is to be able to talk with our Creator! So next time you start to say The Lord’s Prayer, just remember who you are talking to and make sure that what you ask for is coming from your heart. God continues to listen to every single one of our prayers and He continues to honour His promise to answer our prayers that are brought to Him in true Faith.

Points to Ponder:
Do you pray often?

Do you honour your King in your prayers?