Tuesday 12 Apr 2011

Tuesday Reading: John 14:18-20

Key Verse: John 14:20
20  At that day you shall know that I am in My Father, and you in Me, and I in you.

What would you do if you were in the position that Jesus was in at this stage of His life on earth? I’m not asking for a ‘what would Jesus do’ answer but an honest answer from your heart – because that is what Christ sees in you. You have tried to tell a bunch of guys about the truth and you have tried to warn them about what is coming up. You know that they are all going to sink into despair when you give your life for them. You know that one of them is sell you out to the enemy. You know that they all will be at the stage of giving up in a few days time... Would you still go forward and give them everything? Would you still love them unconditionally? Will you still promise them that you will always be there for them?

For Christ to know what lay ahead, the heartache that was to follow, the physical pain, the mental strain; all of that was in His mind and yet He still took that step forward for you and me. He knew that people the world over would still reject Him. He knew that people would still fight wars against Him and against His people. He knew that many would reject Him to His face... And yet He still, willingly, took that step forward for every single one of us.

We all hear stories about martyrs, the people who die so that others can live or they die for a good cause... but the only story we hear about someone who was so caring that He lay down His own life knowing that we would reject Him anyway is our story of Christ. We now know that Christ is the Son of God. We now know that He gave His life for us. We now know that His promises stood the test of time. We now know that He did not give up, He did not lie, He did not settle for anything less that the absolute truth. So why then do we still doubt? Why then do we still fear following in His footsteps? Why should we care about anything else other than showing our God that we love Him for all that He has done for us? But we do... Remember Christ. Remember what He has done. Remember His promises. He lives!

Points to Ponder:
What rejection do you fear?

Are you upholding Christ in your life?