Sunday 20 Mar 2011

Sunday Reading: 1 Thessalonians 5:12-14

Key Verse: 1 Thessalonians 5:12
12  And, brothers, we beseech you to know those who labour among you, and are over you in the Lord, and who admonish you,

As we see this conflict in Libya move into a new dimension we see what we are told is the fight between good and evil going on. Quite what is good and what is evil is going to depend on who you listen to unless you happen to find out the truth for yourself; which in cases such as these may well be too late. We can see conflicts and wars going on most of the time somewhere in the world as one side tries to get one over on another side – conflicts seems to have lost the truth and now fight for pride and greed instead. Oh to have a just person stand up and tell people what is actually right and wrong... but then again, how many people would actually believe them?

Christ came to this earth as a Just and Holy person and yet there were more people who would cause conflict than those who would follow Him. We see just people all round the world being told to shut up or get out because the greedy few want more control than they have already. We see conflicts arising over things that are mundane just because they upset someone along the way.

When we step forward we need to make sure that we step forward in Christ’s name. Stepping forward in any other name is to give God’s Glory to someone else instead. We need to step forward upholding the truth and upholding all those who also come forward in His name. We need to support our church leaders, Pastors, Missionaries, Evangelists and all others who take up God’s Word and preach it to the people. God wants us to show cohesion and not conflict within churches. God wants congregations of peace and not war. Yes we do fight a war against Satan but it is one that has already been won by Christ; our task now is to lift up His Word and show others the truth. Tell those that raise conflict about the damage they cause. Tell those that lie about the hurt they inflict. Tell those that reject Christ that they face certain demise. But most of all tell them in Christ’s love because they are the weak who need your support.

Points to Ponder:
Who do you support?

Does God receive your praise?