Thursday 3 Mar 2011

Thursday Reading: Psalm 31:12-14

Key Verse: Psalm 31:14
14  But I trusted in You, O LORD; I said, You are my God. 

How often have people said something about you that you did not like? How often have people upset you through things that have said just because they did not know what was actually going on? How often have you been brought to tears through what people have said? It is so sad that we can probably all answer a number to each of these questions just because something has happened to us. Sometimes it is those close to us that have said the wrong thing and sometimes we just don’t want anyone to know what is wrong so we try to hide things. But at what cost?

People will say “sticks and stone may break my bones but words will never harm me” but when we look at the actual truth, it is the words that eat away at our souls and not the stick and stones. The physical may well hurt us and may well stop us from doing things, but it is the words that come from other peoples mouths that cut us to the quick. I am not making a plea for comfort here because I am in the fortunate position of enjoying life at the moment, but my heart goes out to those around me who I see being hurt by careless words from others.

It is easy to say that we need to get comfort from someone or something and enjoying comforting words from someone else can help but those original words are the ones who have set the rot in and that rot will not vanish overnight unless we can have someone who will comfort us more than that rot harms us. Personally I do not know anyone like that apart from Christ. I always used to go to my mother for comfort before she went to be at home with Christ but she always taught me that God was always there even when she could not be. God is God. He is all powerful and all knowing but He still cares for you. He still watches out for little old me. Our Awesome God is the one who cares more than anyone what happens to us. Allow Him to comfort you the way He wants to!

Points to Ponder:
Are you hurting?

Are you trusting Christ?