Monday 31 Jan 2011

Monday Reading: Ephesians 5:1-4

Key Verse: Ephesians 5:1
1  Therefore be followers of God, as dear children.

You may be forgiven for wanting to take this first verse with a pinch of salt nowadays when you listen to what the children get up to in and out of school but I think we can all imagine the ideal here where the children being talked about are the ‘dear children’, those that hold fast to the good thing in life and not give in to the temptations that they are blasted with every second of every day. My heart goes out to the children of today when you see just how much more temptation they are surrounded by when compared to what we had to put up with (we as in a couple of generations ago).

I continue to try and introduce children to all that God is in the hopes that they will identify the truth for themselves and shy away from the anger and strife that this world is all about today. Every news bulletin shows the anger spilling out onto the streets in places all around the world. Each bulletin shows how people are persuading children to get involved so that they can break the God given mindset and permanently corrupt their ways – Satan sure is a wily devil who stops at nothing.

But you know what, when we or our children are willing to come to God with an open mind and an open heart, He is willing to show them the truth. They will know the truth when they see and hear it because that truth is what God gave them in the first place. The fact that we are sinners is what has separated us from God. The fact that we are sinners has widened the gap between Him and us. Being able to identify the truth once again is what can close that gap and that is God’s gift to us all. Our problem is that we are so fired up with this world that we forget how we need to approach God. We need to come to Him as willing, trusting and dear young children so that we can hear the truth and back away from the noise of this world.

Points to Ponder:
What do you think is one of your strengths?

Does not God want to build you up in the truth?