Saturday Reading: Matthew 19:28-30
Key Verse: Matthew 19:30
30 But many who are first shall be last; and the last shall be first.
I’m sure you have heard it said that it is not the winning that counts but the taking part... well what is the use of a race if it is not to find out who is the quickest? Yes it is great to take part but the point of a race is exactly that, it is a race. Now if you have been forced into that race then you may well be objecting and not race to win. If the race is of no consequence to you then equally you may not care for it. But there are certain things in life that we should be aiming to win – and none of those are earthly things!
Jesus was trying to get the people around Him to understand that it is not all about what we do here on earth but rather what lies ahead for us in our eternal existence afterward. If we don’t care or don’t bother, then we can expect to lose out. If we do care and bother then we can expect to win. It is like a qualifying session where only the people that actually take part will get through to the next round. Those that leave it until the time has run out will not be able to take part because they let time run out.
Christ wants us to realise just how important our believing in Him is – because if we continue to put off the truth we will not be able to join Him when the time has expired. We do not know when that time is going to expire so we need to get out there and get ready right now so that if the time expires today we will at least have finished the race and not be thinking about taking part still. I was lucky enough to be able to receive daily devotions for some time from a young Christian called Josh. For several years those devotions helped me grow and understand how important it is to have God in my life constantly and consistently. After he moved on to bigger ministries I missed those devotions so much that I started my own. So far it’s been seven years or so and I still grow each time I get serious about my life with God. Is it time for you to get serious?
Points to Ponder:
How far do you go before you admit defeat?
How far will you go with God?