Friday Reading: Hebrews 13:15
Key Verse: Hebrews 13:15
15 By Him, then, let us offer the sacrifice of praise to God continually, that is, the fruit of our lips, confessing His name.
How many times have you stayed just a little bit longer in bed because it was too dark, cold or early? How many times have you known that you should be getting up in time but just given in and spent a few more minutes? How many times have those few minutes turned into a few hours? I’m sure that we have all been there at some stage and it certainly was my time today! So it is no wonder that this is a few minutes late today and that God made me sit and read just that little bit more of His word before He gave me the right words to say!
There are so many times in our lives when we think that things are just not the way that we want them to be so we give life or the world a little bit more time to see if things will change. Well, guess what... the world moves on and we find ourselves in ‘catch-up’ mode once again! This is not the way that God wants us to live our lives. This does not mean that we have to keep a constant diary about what is happening when and how – though to be honest it would be good to know instead of trying to find those lost memories that should be reminding you of that appointment you are now missing! He would rather we plan our lives with Him in mind and with His will in mind. That way we will always be walking with Him.
When we are able to look forward in our lives and know that we praising God with the way that we are living then we can know that we are living a life that God would want us to. Our lives should not be lived on the edge with God being a last minute thing but rather God being the centre and the focus of our lives. We need to let everyone around us know that we are taking God seriously because we want Him to take us seriously. When we can talk to Him honestly then we know we are finally in a relationship with Him. Make a change in your life before it is too late – walk with God!
Points to Ponder:
Are you lazy?
Is God hard work or part of your life?