Thursday 2 Dec 2010

Thursday Reading: Ezekiel 33:31
Key Verse: Ezekiel 33:31
31  And they come to you as the people come, and they sit before you as My people, and they hear your words. But they will not do them. For with their mouth they show much love, but their heart goes after their unjust gain.

I wonder, have you ever gone into a class and behaved as if you were listening to every word the teacher said only to get outside and breathe a sigh of relief forgetting about everything they were trying to teach you? I’m sure that we have all been there at some stage, maybe not in a classroom but certainly we have all pretended to listen intently as the teacher tried to teach. Just what did we hope to achieve through what we did? If it was in a classroom then we had probably had to be there, but if we did this in any other situation then we may well be doing something entirely different...

Ezekiel was a great profit who listened to what God had to tell him; not only that but he made sure that others got to know about it. Yes he knew that some of the people that would come to listen to him would not do anything about what they heard, but he continued on. Just like that, we will face people who will come along to listen to God’s Word but will do nothing about it. We will teach them all we can and they will simply walk out the door and go back to their own ways rather than taking in what you have just tried to teach them. Can we blame them? No because we have done that before as well...

What really does count though is that you are sowing the seeds in the first place. It may well be that we sow the seeds and someone many years later will be the one that sees that person come to Christ. I know that many of the children I have taught have gone out into the world better prepared because they have heard the truth. They now know the truth and can take it with them... they may not realise the truth in their own hearts, but they do know it. God is the one who will bring them in. He is the one who will bring those words into their hearts where they will them know the truth from their hearts instead of just in their heads.

Points to Ponder:
Do you give up easily?

Do you persist with God’s Word?