Saturday Reading: Jeremiah 44:15-17
Key Verse: Jeremiah 44:16
16 As for the Word that you have spoken to us in the name of Jehovah, we will not listen to you.
It is a sad thing that governments are willing to stand up and say that they will not follow Christianity or will not follow God. If only they would realise the gravity of what they are saying and doing... But that is where man begins to think more of himself than he actually is. When things start to go right we look around us at all the things that are good and we start ignoring God. When we then see others doing things that look good, we no longer have our focus on God and so we lust after what they do and we run off away from God.
No there is nothing wrong with enjoying to the full everything that God has given us because He has given us things for our enjoyment, but when we leave God out of our lives we can expect nothing other than to fall into the traps of the god of this world, Satan, the evil one. If we do start doing that then we will very quickly lose focus on God and lose focus on His ways. Our ways then become corrupted with just about any thought that we can come up with. As that happens we sink deeper and deeper into the mire that we think is good. We will not see how corrupt it is until we have our eyes opened... please don’t let it be too late!
Time and time again throughout history we have seen people, societies, leaders, governments and all sort leave God behind and run off to corruption. When we can look back on things we see the corruption for what it was. When we are stuck in the middle of it we too may well have the wool pulled over our eyes for a while; but that will only be when we too lose focus on God. For as long as we are able to lift up our eyes towards heaven and seek God’s guidance we will be able to see the corruption for what it is. We need to keep our eyes open all the time so that we can see it approaching. When we face a blinkered view on this world we will see only what we want to see. When we start seeing a selected view, we lose our way with God. Lift up your eyes to God!
Points to Ponder:
What do you see around you?
Are you seeing what God can see?